Source code for

import re
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

[docs]class StreamMatcher(ABC): """ Abstract base class for stream matchers. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def match(self, item): """ Return ``True`` if the matcher matches an item, otherwise ``False``. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def args_str(self): """ Return an args string for the repr. """
def __call__(self, item): return self.match(item) def __str__(self): return '{}({})'.format(type(self).__name__, self.args_str()) def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]def to_matcher(matcher_factory, obj): """ Turn an object into a :class:`StreamMatcher` unless it already is one. :param matcher_factory: A callable capable of turning `obj` into a :class:`StreamMatcher`. :param obj: A :class:`StreamMatcher` or an object to turn into one. :returns: :class:`StreamMatcher` """ return obj if isinstance(obj, StreamMatcher) else matcher_factory(obj)
[docs]class CombinationMatcher(StreamMatcher): """ Matcher that combines multiple input matchers. """ def __init__(self, *matchers): self._matchers = matchers
[docs] @classmethod def by_equality(cls, *expected_items): """ Construct an instance of this combination matcher from a list of expected items and/or StreamMatcher instances. """ return cls(*(to_matcher(EqualsMatcher, i) for i in expected_items))
[docs] @classmethod def by_regex(cls, *patterns): """ Construct an instance of this combination matcher from a list of regex patterns and/or StreamMatcher instances. """ return cls(*(to_matcher(RegexMatcher, p) for p in patterns))
[docs]class OrderedMatcher(CombinationMatcher): """ Matcher that takes a list of matchers, and uses one after the next after each has a successful match. Returns True ("matches") on the final match. **Note:** This is a *stateful* matcher. Once it has done its matching, you'll need to create a new instance. """ def __init__(self, *matchers): super().__init__(*matchers) self._position = 0
[docs] def match(self, item): """ Return ``True`` if the expected matchers are matched in the expected order, otherwise ``False``. """ if self._position == len(self._matchers): raise RuntimeError('Matcher exhausted, no more matchers to use') matcher = self._matchers[self._position] if matcher(item): self._position += 1 if self._position == len(self._matchers): # All patterns have been matched return True return False
[docs] def args_str(self): """ Return an args string for the repr. """ matched = [str(m) for m in self._matchers[:self._position]] unmatched = [str(m) for m in self._matchers[self._position:]] return 'matched=[{}], unmatched=[{}]'.format( ', '.join(matched), ', '.join(unmatched))
[docs]class UnorderedMatcher(CombinationMatcher): """ Matcher that takes a list of matchers, and matches each one to an item. Each item is tested against each unmatched matcher until a match is found or all unmatched matchers are checked. Returns True ("matches") on the final match. .. note:: This is a *stateful* matcher. Once it has done its matching, you'll need to create a new instance. """ def __init__(self, *matchers): super().__init__(*matchers) self._used_matchers = [] @property def _unused_matchers(self): return [m for m in self._matchers if m not in self._used_matchers]
[docs] def match(self, item): """ Return ``True`` if the expected matchers are matched in any order, otherwise ``False``. """ if not self._unused_matchers: raise RuntimeError('Matcher exhausted, no more matchers to use') for matcher in self._unused_matchers: if matcher(item): self._used_matchers.append(matcher) break if not self._unused_matchers: # All patterns have been matched return True return False
[docs] def args_str(self): """ Return an args string for the repr. """ matched = [str(m) for m in self._used_matchers] unmatched = [str(m) for m in self._unused_matchers] return 'matched=[{}], unmatched=[{}]'.format( ', '.join(matched), ', '.join(unmatched))
[docs]class EqualsMatcher(StreamMatcher): """ Matcher that matches items by equality. """ def __init__(self, expected_item): self._expected_item = expected_item
[docs] def match(self, item): """ Return ``True`` if the item matches the expected value exactly, otherwise ``False``. """ return item == self._expected_item
[docs] def args_str(self): """ Return an args string for the repr. """ return repr(self._expected_item)
[docs]class RegexMatcher(StreamMatcher): """ Matcher that matches items by regex pattern. """ def __init__(self, pattern): self._regex = re.compile(pattern)
[docs] def match(self, item): """ Return ``True`` if the item matches the expected regex, otherwise ``False``. """ return is not None
[docs] def args_str(self): """ Return an args string for the repr. """ return repr(self._regex.pattern)