Source code for

from import stream_timeout

def _last_few_log_lines(container):
    return container.logs(tail=100).decode('utf-8')

[docs]def stream_logs(container, timeout=10.0, **logs_kwargs): """ Stream logs from a Docker container within a timeout. :param ~docker.models.containers.Container container: Container who's log lines to stream. :param timeout: Timeout value in seconds. :param logs_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to ``container.logs()``. For example, the ``stdout`` and ``stderr`` boolean arguments can be used to determine whether to stream stdout or stderr or both (the default). :raises TimeoutError: When the timeout value is reached before the logs have completed. """ stream = container.logs(stream=True, **logs_kwargs) return stream_timeout( stream, timeout, 'Timeout waiting for container logs.')
[docs]def wait_for_logs_matching(container, matcher, timeout=10, encoding='utf-8', **logs_kwargs): """ Wait for matching log line(s) from the given container by streaming the container's stdout and/or stderr outputs. Each log line is decoded and any trailing whitespace is stripped before the line is matched. :param ~docker.models.containers.Container container: Container who's log lines to wait for. :param matcher: Callable that returns True once it has matched a decoded log line(s). :param timeout: Timeout value in seconds. :param encoding: Encoding to use when decoding container output to strings. :param logs_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to ``container.logs()``. For example, the ``stdout`` and ``stderr`` boolean arguments can be used to determine whether to stream stdout or stderr or both (the default). :returns: The final matching log line. :raises TimeoutError: When the timeout value is reached before matching log lines have been found. :raises RuntimeError: When all log lines have been consumed but matching log lines have not been found (the container must have stopped for its stream to have ended without error). """ try: for line in stream_logs(container, timeout=timeout, **logs_kwargs): # Drop the trailing newline line = line.decode(encoding).rstrip() if matcher(line): return line except TimeoutError: raise TimeoutError('\n'.join([ ('Timeout ({}s) waiting for logs matching {}.'.format( timeout, matcher)), 'Last few log lines:', _last_few_log_lines(container), ])) raise RuntimeError('\n'.join([ 'Logs matching {} not found.'.format(matcher), 'Last few log lines:', _last_few_log_lines(container), ]))