Source code for seaworthy.definitions

Wrappers over Docker resource types to aid in setup/teardown of and interaction
with Docker resources.

import functools

from docker import models

from seaworthy.helpers import DockerHelper
from import stream_logs, wait_for_logs_matching
from import RegexMatcher, UnorderedMatcher

# This is a hack to control our generated documentation. The value of the
# attribute is ignored, only its presence or absence can be detected by the
# apigen machinery.
__apigen_inherited_members__ = None

[docs]def deep_merge(*dicts): """ Recursively merge all input dicts into a single dict. """ result = {} for d in dicts: if not isinstance(d, dict): raise Exception('Can only deep_merge dicts, got {}'.format(d)) for k, v in d.items(): # Whenever the value is a dict, we deep_merge it. This ensures that # (a) we only ever merge dicts with dicts and (b) we always get a # deep(ish) copy of the dicts and are thus safe from accidental # mutations to shared state. if isinstance(v, dict): v = deep_merge(result.get(k, {}), v) result[k] = v return result
class _DefinitionBase: __model_type__ = None def __init__(self, name, create_kwargs=None, helper=None): = name self._create_args = () self._create_kwargs = {} if create_kwargs is None else create_kwargs self._helper = None self.set_helper(helper) self._inner = None def create(self, **kwargs): """ Create an instance of this resource definition. Only one instance may exist at any given time. """ if self.created: raise RuntimeError( '{} already created.'.format(self.__model_type__.__name__)) kwargs = self.merge_kwargs(self._create_kwargs, kwargs) self._inner = self.helper.create(, *self._create_args, **kwargs) def remove(self, **kwargs): """ Remove an instance of this resource definition. """ self.helper.remove(self.inner(), **kwargs) self._inner = None def setup(self, helper=None, **create_kwargs): """ Setup this resource so that is ready to be used in a test. If the resource has already been created, this call does nothing. For most resources, this just involves creating the resource in Docker. :param helper: The resource helper to use, if one was not provided when this resource definition was created. :param **create_kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :meth:`.create`. :returns: This definition instance. Useful for creating and setting up a resource in a single step:: volume = VolumeDefinition('volly').setup(helper=docker_helper) """ if self.created: return self.set_helper(helper) self.create(**create_kwargs) return self def teardown(self): """ Teardown this resource so that it no longer exists in Docker. If the resource has already been removed, this call does nothing. For most resources, this just involves removing the resource in Docker. """ if not self.created: return self.remove() def __enter__(self): return self.setup() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.teardown() @property def helper(self): if self._helper is None: raise RuntimeError('No helper set.') return self._helper def set_helper(self, helper): """ .. todo:: Document this. """ # We don't want to "unset" in this method. if helper is None: return # Get the right kind of helper if given a DockerHelper if isinstance(helper, DockerHelper): helper = helper._helper_for_model(self.__model_type__) # We already have this one. if helper is self._helper: return if self._helper is None: self._helper = helper else: raise RuntimeError('Cannot replace existing helper.') def as_fixture(self, name=None): """ A decorator to inject this container into a function as a test fixture. """ if name is None: name = def deco(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kw): with self: kw[name] = self return f(*args, **kw) return wrapper return deco def inner(self): """ :returns: the underlying Docker model object """ if not self.created: raise RuntimeError( '{} not created yet.'.format(self.__model_type__.__name__)) return self._inner @property def created(self): return self._inner is not None def base_kwargs(self): """ Override this method to provide dynamically generated base kwargs for the resource. """ return {} def merge_kwargs(self, default_kwargs, kwargs): """ Override this method to merge kwargs differently. """ return deep_merge(self.base_kwargs(), default_kwargs, kwargs)
[docs]class ContainerDefinition(_DefinitionBase): """ This is the base class for container definitions. Instances (and instances of subclasses) are intended to be used both as test fixtures and as convenient objects for operating on containers being tested. .. todo:: Document this properly. A container object may be used as a context manager to ensure proper setup and teardown of the container around the code that uses it:: with ContainerDefinition('my_container', IMAGE, helper=ch) as c: assert c.status() == 'running' (Note that this only works if the container has a helper set and does not have a container created.) """ __model_type__ = models.containers.Container WAIT_TIMEOUT = 10.0 def __init__(self, name, image, wait_patterns=None, wait_timeout=None, create_kwargs=None, helper=None): """ :param name: The name for the container. The actual name of the container is namespaced by ContainerHelper. This name will be used as a network alias for the container. :param image: image tag to use :param list wait_patterns: Regex patterns to use when checking that the container has started successfully. :param wait_timeout: Number of seconds to wait for the ``wait_patterns``. Defaults to ``self.WAIT_TIMEOUT``. :param dict create_kwargs: Other kwargs to use when creating the container. :param seaworthy.helper.ContainerHelper helper: A ContainerHelper instance used to create containers. """ super().__init__(name, create_kwargs=create_kwargs, helper=helper) self._create_args = (image,) if wait_patterns: self.wait_matchers = [RegexMatcher(p) for p in wait_patterns] else: self.wait_matchers = None if wait_timeout is not None: self.wait_timeout = wait_timeout else: self.wait_timeout = self.WAIT_TIMEOUT self._http_clients = []
[docs] def setup(self, helper=None, **run_kwargs): """ Creates the container, starts it, and waits for it to completely start. :param helper: The resource helper to use, if one was not provided when this container definition was created. :param **run_kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :meth:`.run`. :returns: This container definition instance. Useful for creating and setting up a container in a single step:: con = ContainerDefinition('conny', 'nginx').setup(helper=dh) """ if self.created: return self.set_helper(helper)**run_kwargs) self.wait_for_start() return self
[docs] def teardown(self): """ Stop and remove the container if it exists. """ while self._http_clients: self._http_clients.pop().close() if self.created: self.halt()
[docs] def status(self): """ Get the container's current status from Docker. If the container does not exist (before creation and after removal), the status is ``None``. """ if not self.created: return None self.inner().reload() return self.inner().status
[docs] def start(self): """ Start the container. The container must have been created. """ self.inner().start() self.inner().reload()
[docs] def stop(self, timeout=5): """ Stop the container. The container must have been created. :param timeout: Timeout in seconds to wait for the container to stop before sending a ``SIGKILL``. Default: 5 (half the Docker default) """ self.inner().stop(timeout=timeout) self.inner().reload()
[docs] def run(self, fetch_image=True, **kwargs): """ Create the container and start it. Similar to ``docker run``. :param fetch_image: Whether to try pull the image if it's not found. The behaviour here is similar to ``docker run`` and this parameter defaults to ``True``. :param **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :meth:`.create`. """ self.create(fetch_image=fetch_image, **kwargs) self.start()
[docs] def wait_for_start(self): """ Wait for the container to start. By default this will wait for the log lines matching the patterns passed in the ``wait_patterns`` parameter of the constructor using an UnorderedMatcher. For more advanced checks for container startup, this method should be overridden. """ if self.wait_matchers: matcher = UnorderedMatcher(*self.wait_matchers) self.wait_for_logs_matching(matcher, timeout=self.wait_timeout)
[docs] def halt(self, stop_timeout=5): """ Stop the container and remove it. The opposite of :meth:`run`. """ self.stop(timeout=stop_timeout) self.remove()
[docs] def clean(self): """ This method should "clean" the container so that it is in the same state as it was when it was started. It is up to the implementer of this method to decide how the container should be cleaned. See :func:`~seaworthy.pytest.fixtures.clean_container_fixtures` for how this can be used with pytest fixtures. """ raise NotImplementedError()
@property def ports(self): """ The ports (exposed and published) of the container. """ return self.inner().attrs['NetworkSettings']['Ports'] def _host_port(self, port_spec, index): if port_spec not in self.ports: raise ValueError("Port '{}' is not exposed".format(port_spec)) mappings = self.ports[port_spec] if mappings is None: raise ValueError( "Port '{}' is not published to the host".format(port_spec)) mapping = mappings[index] return mapping['HostIp'], mapping['HostPort']
[docs] def get_host_port(self, container_port, proto='tcp', index=0): """ :param container_port: The container port. :param proto: The protocol ('tcp' or 'udp'). :param index: The index of the mapping entry to return. :returns: A tuple of the interface IP and port on the host. """ port_spec = '{}/{}'.format(container_port, proto) return self._host_port(port_spec, index)
[docs] def get_first_host_port(self): """ Get the first mapping of the first (lowest) container port that has a mapping. Useful when a container publishes only one port. Note that unlike the Docker API, which sorts ports lexicographically (e.g. ``90/tcp`` > ``8000/tcp``), we sort ports numerically so that the lowest port is always chosen. """ mapped_ports = {p: m for p, m in self.ports.items() if m is not None} if not mapped_ports: raise RuntimeError('Container has no published ports') def sort_key(port_string): port, proto = port_string.split('/', 1) return int(port), proto firt_port_spec = sorted(mapped_ports.keys(), key=sort_key)[0] return self._host_port(firt_port_spec, 0)
[docs] def get_logs(self, stdout=True, stderr=True, timestamps=False, tail='all', since=None): """ Get container logs. This method does not support streaming, use :meth:`stream_logs` for that. """ return self.inner().logs( stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, timestamps=timestamps, tail=tail, since=since)
[docs] def stream_logs(self, stdout=True, stderr=True, tail='all', timeout=10.0): """ Stream container output. """ return stream_logs( self.inner(), stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, tail=tail, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def wait_for_logs_matching(self, matcher, timeout=10, encoding='utf-8', **logs_kwargs): """ Wait for logs matching the given matcher. """ wait_for_logs_matching( self.inner(), matcher, timeout=timeout, encoding=encoding, **logs_kwargs)
[docs] def http_client(self, port=None): """ Construct an HTTP client for this container. """ # Local import to avoid potential circularity. from seaworthy.client import ContainerHttpClient client = ContainerHttpClient.for_container(self, container_port=port) self._http_clients.append(client) return client
[docs]class NetworkDefinition(_DefinitionBase): """ This is the base class for network definitions. .. todo:: Document this properly. """ __model_type__ = models.networks.Network
[docs]class VolumeDefinition(_DefinitionBase): """ This is the base class for volume definitions. The following is an example of how ``VolumeDefinition`` can be used to attach volumes to a container:: from seaworthy.definitions import ContainerDefinition class DjangoContainer(ContainerDefinition): IMAGE = "seaworthy-demo:django" WAIT_PATTERNS = (r"Booting worker",) def __init__(self, name, socket_volume, static_volume, db_url): super().__init__(name, self.IMAGE, self.WAIT_PATTERNS) self.socket_volume = socket_volume self.static_volume = static_volume self.db_url = db_url def base_kwargs(self): return { "volumes": { self.socket_volume.inner(): "/var/run/gunicorn", self.static_volume.inner(): "/app/static:ro", }, "environment": {"DATABASE_URL": self.db_url} } # Create definition instances socket_volume = VolumeDefinition("socket") static_volume = VolumeDefinition("static") django_container = DjangoContainer( "django", socket_volume, static_volume, postgresql_container.database_url()) # Create pytest fixtures socket_volume_fixture = socket_volume.pytest_fixture("socket_volume") static_volume_fixture = static_volume.pytest_fixture("static_volume") django_fixture = django_container.pytest_fixture( "django_container", dependencies=[ "socket_volume", "static_volume", "postgresql_container"]) This example is explained in the `introductory blog post`_ and `demo repository`_. .. todo:: Document this properly. .. _`introductory blog post`: .. _`demo repository`: """ __model_type__ = models.volumes.Volume