Source code for seaworthy.checks

Checks and test decorators for skipping tests that require Docker to be

import unittest
from contextlib import contextmanager

import docker

from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError

[docs]@contextmanager def docker_client(): """ A context manager that creates and cleans up a Docker API client. In most cases, it's better to use :class:`~seaworthy.helpers.DockerHelper` instead. """ client = docker.client.from_env() yield client client.api.close()
[docs]def docker_available(): """ Check if Docker is available and responsive. """ with docker_client() as client: try: return except ConnectionError: # pragma: no cover return False
[docs]def dockertest(): """ Skip tests that require Docker to be available. This is a function that returns a decorator so that we don't run arbitrary Docker client code on import. This implementation only works with tests based on :class:`unittest.TestCase`. If you're using pytest, you probably want :func:`seaworthy.pytest.dockertest` instead. """ return unittest.skipUnless(docker_available(), 'Docker not available.')