Source code for

Tools for asserting on processes running in containers using ``ps``.

import attr

from .utils import output_lines

[docs]class PsException(Exception): """ Exception indicating problems operating on process lists and trees. """
[docs]@attr.s class PsRow: """ Representation of a process list entry, containing the details of a single process. """ pid = attr.ib(converter=int) ppid = attr.ib(converter=int) ruser = attr.ib() args = attr.ib()
[docs] @classmethod def columns(cls): """ List the columns required to construct a suitable ``ps`` command. """ return [ for a in attr.fields(cls)]
[docs]def list_container_processes(container): """ List the processes running inside a container. We use an exec rather than `` because we want to run 'ps' inside the container. This is because we want to get PIDs and usernames in the container's namespaces. `` uses 'ps' from outside the container in the host's namespaces. Note that this requires the container to have a 'ps' that responds to the arguments we give it-- we use BusyBox's (Alpine's) 'ps' as a baseline for available functionality. :param container: the container to query :return: a list of PsRow objects """ cmd = ['ps', 'ax', '-o', ','.join(PsRow.columns())] ps_lines = output_lines(container.exec_run(cmd)) header = ps_lines.pop(0) # We can't trust the header alignment because different ps implementations # use different alignments, some of which depend on the alignment of the # columns. Instead, we assume that all columns are whitespace-separated and # that only the last column may contain spaces. maxsplit = len(header.strip().split()) - 1 ps_entries = [line.strip().split(None, maxsplit) for line in ps_lines] # Convert to PsRows ps_rows = [PsRow(*entry) for entry in ps_entries] # Filter out the row for ps itself cmd_string = ' '.join(cmd) ps_rows = [row for row in ps_rows if row.args != cmd_string] return ps_rows
[docs]@attr.s class PsTree: """ Node in a process tree, linking a :class:`PsRow` to its child processes. """ row = attr.ib() children = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(list))
[docs] def count(self): """ Return the number of processes in this subtree. """ return 1 + sum(row.count() for row in self.children)
def _build_process_subtree(ps_rows, ps_tree, pids_seen): for row in ps_rows: if row.ppid == if in pids_seen: raise PsException("Duplicate pid found: {}".format( pids_seen.add( tree = PsTree(row=row, children=[]) ps_tree.children.append(tree) _build_process_subtree(ps_rows, tree, pids_seen)
[docs]def build_process_tree(ps_rows): """ Build a tree structure from a list of PsRow objects. :param ps_rows: a list of PsRow objects :return: a PsTree object """ ps_tree = None for row in ps_rows: if row.ppid == 0: if ps_tree is not None: raise PsException("Too many process tree roots (ppid=0) found") ps_tree = PsTree(row) if ps_tree is None: raise PsException("No process tree root (ppid=0) found") _build_process_subtree(ps_rows, ps_tree, set([])) if ps_tree.count() < len(ps_rows): raise PsException("Unreachable processes detected") assert ps_tree.count() == len(ps_rows) return ps_tree
__all__ = [ 'build_process_tree', 'list_container_processes', 'PsException', 'PsRow', 'PsTree', ]